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Top Cosmetic Procedures for Men in 2019

Cosmetic surgery is surging, and men want in on the action. More men are seeking the benefits of cosmetic procedures to enhance and rejuvenate their appearance, which means that the days are long gone when cosmetic surgery was just a ladies’ game.

So, what will be at the top of the list for cosmetic procedures for men in 2019? Here are the top three:

1. Liposuction

Most men hit the gym when they are looking to trim their waistline, but sometimes — despite the effort — the gym is not enough. Genetics and age can play a major factor in losing the man-belly, so liposuction is a great option to help men achieve that tight-and-toned figure they desire.

Liposuction can be effective at treating common male trouble zones such as the love handles, chin and chest area.

2. Male Breast Reduction

Many men choose to have nonsurgical and/or surgical procedures to help them regain self-confidence and maintain a youthful and energetic appearance.

Gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts, affects about half of all men in the United States. Losing weight can improve the appearance of gynecomastia, but excess tissue and skin may remain even after you’ve lost all the weight and done all the pushups you can.

Gynecomastia can affect men at any age, and male breast reduction is safe and effective for teens on up. Most men who have this surgery report feeling more comfortable in their skin and feel more confident in what they choose to wear or not wear.

3. Injectables

Women are not the only ones who want smooth and youthful looking skin on their faces. Common facial aging concerns for men are wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.

BOTOX®, fondly referred to as BROTOX for men, and injectable fillers such as JUVÉDERM can help men achieve a fresher, more youthful appearance. Men are now finding renewed youth with these rejuvenating nonsurgical procedures that take less than 30 minutes to complete.