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Will Sitting for Your Desk Job Hurt Your Brazilian Butt Lift?

The Brazilian butt lift has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States, thanks to its ability to achieve very natural looking and feeling results.

One of the most common questions about this procedure, though, is how quickly you can get back to sitting for long periods of time at work.

While there is no exact answer to this question, there is some general BBL recovery advice that you can follow to help get the most out of your procedure.

Take Some Time off Work

About 3 to 4 weeks after your Brazilian butt lift, you should be able to sit normally and resume most of your normal daily activities.

As with any surgical procedure, you should plan to take some time off of work to give your body a chance to rest and recover.

As a general rule, bank on taking at least the first 7 to 10 days after your Brazilian butt lift off of work, and avoid sitting as much as possible during this time.

Use a Special Pillow

When you do start to ease back into work and other regular activities, get yourself a special pillow to help take the pressure off of your butt when you need to sit.

Sleep on Your Stomach

Most people will see their final results take shape over the next several weeks after their BBL. During this time, it can be helpful to sleep on your stomach instead of your back or side to help you get the best possible results.