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Should I Get A Tummy Tuck or A Full Mommy Makeover?

A tummy tuck is typically a procedure included in a mommy makeover but can also be performed as a standalone surgery. Mothers of all ages turn to body contouring procedures to reclaim their pre-baby bodies, but they might not be sure which procedure or combination of procedures is right for them. Some mothers only require a basic tummy tuck procedure to erase any lingering evidence of pregnancy from their physique.

Other mothers need a more comprehensive mommy makeover procedure to address unique changes in different parts of their bodies. So, knowing which procedures can be included in your mommy makeover is important in deciding whether or not a tummy tuck is all you need. Dr. Gordon Andan has helped hundreds of women navigate this process and decide which procedure or combination of procedures is best for them. With his extensive training, practiced skill, and comprehensive knowledge and experience in the cosmetic surgery industry, Dr. Andan is proud to help mothers reclaim their bodies – and their confidence. If you would like to learn more about how Dr. Andan can revitalize your appearance, please schedule a personal consultation at our offices in either Manhattan or Garden City. To reach our front desk, please call (516) 746-0155.

Reclaiming The Pre-Baby Body

Depending on what age we give birth at, how our body handles the pregnancy, and how long it takes us to bounce back, not all mothers look the same after their pregnancy. Some may look almost identical to how they did before they started showing. Many, however, can’t help but notice the aesthetic changes of motherhood every time they walk past a mirror. While diet and exercise are crucial to help you jump back to lead a healthy life as a mother, they don’t treat all the aesthetic effects and physical conditions associated with motherhood. 

Loose Skin

Typically occurring around our abdomen, loose skin can hang over our waistline and bunch up on our midsection. Diet and exercise plans are only effective at targeting the underlying muscle and fat tissue, leaving the skin completely unaffected. 

Hard-to-Lose Fat

Even at a healthy, stable weight, unwanted fat cells can linger around troublesome areas like the love handles, abdomen, and legs. This type of fat is called subcutaneous fat and is impervious to changes in diet and activity levels. That’s because subcutaneous fat helps keep the body safe and protected from thermal loss, external forces, and dermal infection.[1] Many of our patients report having stubborn pockets of fat cells that aren’t responding to diet and exercise even after leading a healthy life for years. 

Separated Muscles

Around the third trimester, the internal pressure from the fetus can be too much for the abdominal muscles. The vertical abdominal muscles are connected by a thin but durable connective tissue called the linea alba. When the fetus presses outwards against the abdomen, it’s too much for this connective strip to handle. For many mothers, the abdominal muscles break away from this connective tissue and move outwards. After giving birth, the linea alba can heal on its own and bring the muscles back into organic alignment. But, this is commonly not the case for many women. When the connective tissue doesn’t heal, it creates a flaccid bulge in the mother’s midsection that sticks out noticeably. This condition is called diastasis recti. Because the abdominal muscles aren’t situated correctly, the pelvic floor muscles grow weak and atrophy leading to pelvic floor disorders like incontinence. 

Uneven Breasts

Through fluctuations in weight, hormones, and lactation, our breasts go through quite a change when we’re pregnant. Many women jump up a couple of cup sizes during pregnancy. After you lose the baby weight, your breasts might not bounce back the way you hoped they would. If you are dissatisfied with your breasts, you are in good company: up to 70% of older women report dissatisfaction with their breasts.[2]

Who A Tummy Tuck Is For

So, should you look into just a tummy tuck procedure to achieve your desired appearance? There is a simple test to see if you would be a good tummy tuck candidate you can perform in the privacy of your home. Stand in front of a mirror without a shirt and clasp your hands behind your back. Lean forward at the waist. Do you notice any loose, excess skin hanging from your midsection? If you do have unwanted skin dangling from your body, then a tummy tuck procedure might be perfect for you! 

What Is Included In A Mommy Makeover

In addition to a tummy tuck procedure, a mommy makeover also includes breast augmentation with a possible lift and liposuction to sculpt away unwanted fat. Some new mothers may find that a combination of these procedures is the best way to restore their physique rather than just a tummy tuck.

Breast Augmentation

As one of the long-standing most popular cosmetic procedures in the aesthetic field, breast augmentation has consistently given women significant, positive influence on their appearance.[3] By letting his patients choose different characteristics like the size, shape, of their results and the composition of the implant, Dr. Andan gives his patients the power to customize their physical appearance. 

Breast Lift

To correct varying degrees of ptosis, a breast lift helps raise the breasts to a higher position on the chest. With age, fluctuations in weight, and pregnancies, our breasts can gain and lose volume. These fluctuations in volume cause the breasts to expand and sag. To correct, this Dr. Andan removes enough of the excess breast tissue to lift the nipple higher on the breast. Once he gently lifts them, Dr. Andan makes sure the breasts are even and rest naturally at the new position. 


Mothers tend to have unwanted, hard-to-lose fat cells around their flanks, midsection, thighs, buttocks, and breasts. To remove this fatty tissue, Dr. Andan uses a thin aspirating tube called a cannula to remove the fat cells from between the skin and muscles. This procedure is called liposuction. By taking out the physical fat cells, Dr. Andan hampers future fat growth in the areas. While weight increases will affect the untouched fat cells, the treated areas will appear slim, toned, and defined for years to come. 


Women interested in a mommy makeover should read the following list to see if they’d qualify.

  • Be at a healthy, stable weight before your surgery. These aren’t weight-loss procedures and will only be performed on healthy patients.
  • Be at the end of your family-building journey as subsequent pregnancies will diminish results from a mommy makeover.
  • Be a non-smoker or able to quit a few weeks before and after your surgery.
  • Be able to take from a few days to a few weeks off to focus on proper recovery. 

Andan: New York’s Cosmetic Surgeon

Dr. Gordon Andan is a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who specializes in helping patients achieve their desired aesthetic appearance. From facial procedures to body contouring surgeries, Dr. Andan has long been one of New York’s most sought-after surgeons in the cosmetic industry. For those interested in learning more about Dr. Andan’s expert care, please visit our reviews page! To stay up-to-date on all the latest technologies in the cosmetic industry, check out our other blog posts.

Your Mommy Makeover

The first step on this journey is to schedule a personal consultation. During this consultation, we will perform a brief physical examination and a new patient intake interview. This will help us assess your candidacy for surgery and let you give us a general overview of your desired results. Because all mothers are different, your mommy makeover procedure might include breast procedures, while another mother will only need a tummy tuck. We will examine your trouble spots and recommend a personalized treatment plan to address each cosmetic concern. Once we have decided on an approach, we will schedule a time and date for your procedure. 


To prepare for your procedure, it is best to adhere to these steps to ensure a smooth surgery followed by optimal results.

  • Discontinue any blood-thinning medications as these will inhibit your body’s healing abilities.
  • Stop smoking a couple of weeks beforehand.
  • Designate a caregiver to drive you home and look after you following your procedure.
  • Prefill all prescription medications as you will need to focus solely on recovery after your mommy makeover. 


During these procedures, Dr. Andan utilizes general anesthesia, which will take a few days to leave your system. After completing your surgery, he will dress treated areas in compression garments to promote healing. Be sure to take only the prescribed medications for pain management as ibuprofen, Advil, and aspirin thin the blood and will derail healing. Plan to rest for at least the next week. During your follow-up meetings, we will discern where your body is on the recovery timeline and recommend the appropriate next steps for you. 

How Much Does A Mommy Makeover Cost in New York?

Because a mommy makeover is a collection of bespoke surgical procedures, your price will vary from another patient’s. Although they are performed simultaneously, the price is usually less than if they were performed separately. We will determine the cost of your mommy makeover following your consultation. If you have any questions, please call us at (516) 746-0155.


  1. Kwok, K., Lam, K. & Xu, A. Heterogeneity of white adipose tissue: molecular basis and clinical implications. Exp Mol Med 48, e215 (2016).
  2. Spencer, L., Fary, R., McKenna, L., Jacques, A., Lalor, J., & Briffa, K. (2020). The relationship between breast size and aspects of health and psychological wellbeing in mature-aged women. Women’s Health, 16, 174550652091833.
  3. Ramachandran K. (2008). Breast augmentation. Indian journal of plastic surgery: official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, 41(Suppl), S41–S47.