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How to Fulfill Your Great Tummy Tuck Expectations

Great expectations often go unfulfilled, but it doesn’t have to be that way. For instance, you can expect to enjoy amazing results from your tummy tuck.

Of course, perfection doesn’t come by chance. Here are some tummy tuck surgery tips to help make all your tummy tuck dreams come true.

Be Realistic

Unrealistic expectations inevitably lead to disappointment. That’s why it’s up to you to learn what a tummy tuck can actually do.

Just as importantly, you need to understand what it can’t do. If you’re hoping a tummy tuck will help you lose weight, you probably won’t be happy with the results since the body contouring procedure is not a substitute for weight loss.

Pick The Right Cosmetic Surgeon

Discuss your goals and concerns with Dr. Andan to determine whether a tummy tuck is the procedure that will help you get where you want to be.

It requires a high level of skill to create beautiful tummy tuck results. Dr. Gordon Andan is a talented and experienced cosmetic surgeon that will customize each tummy tuck procedure to accommodate each person’s unique body type and individual goals.

The biggest assurance that you’ll love your results is to go with a cosmetic surgeon who has earned a great reputation by consistently doing excellent work.

Consider Combining Procedures

As mentioned earlier, a tummy tuck may not be enough to create the outcome you’re hoping for. Talk to Dr. Andan about whether combining yours with another cosmetic procedure might be beneficial.

Liposculpture is often paired with a tummy tuck for more comprehensive results. Together, these two body contouring surgeries can help rid you of excess fat and loose skin around the abdominal area for a leaner look and a more sculpted silhouette.