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4 Pieces of the Tummy Tuck Puzzle You Should Consider

Many men and women struggle to get rid of excess skin or stubborn pockets of fat that can linger on the abdomen after weight loss or pregnancy.

tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, can resolve these concerns, smoothing the stomach’s contours and strengthening the abdominal muscles for a toned, sculpted look.

If you’re planning on a tummy tuck, there are a few things to consider before your procedure.

1. Including Liposuction

A tummy tuck is an excellent way to address loose stomach skin, weakened ab muscles and fatty deposits. But liposuction can sculpt areas adjacent to the stomach, such as the upper abdomen and the waist, for a more flattering, comprehensive outcome. Including liposuction with your tummy tuck can enhance your results.

2. Understanding What a Tummy Tuck Can and Can’t Do

A tummy tuck can address your stomach appearance woes, but you won’t emerge from cosmetic surgery with the body of a supermodel, nor can you expect to preserve your tummy tuck results without investing effort.

Abdominoplasty can improve and rejuvenate your midsection, but it’s important to understand what a tummy tuck will and won’t do for you. You’ll need to maintain your results with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

3. Planning Your Recovery

During the first few days following your tummy tuck, you won’t be able to stand up straight. Dr. Andan will prescribe pain medication to help alleviate discomfort, and you should enlist help around the house for a week or so after your tummy tuck, as your mobility will be limited.

4. Financing a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck isn’t covered by your health insurance, but that doesn’t mean you can’t afford it. Cosmetic surgery financing is offered by many surgeons, which can help you arrange a payment plan that fits your lifestyle.